Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goodbye South Padre Island!

I think one of the highlights of our trip was when Brett went kiteboarding at night with some of our new friends. They decked themselves and their kites out with glow sticks which gave them a neon, alien look. The picture is of our friend, Tim, who totally rocked the glow sticks.
It was incredibly awesome to watch them ride at night. The night sky was lit only by their glow sticks flashing by and the water was calm and quiet except for their boards gliding over it.

On Sunday after getting a few hours of kiting we packed up and headed home for Louisiana.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


No wind today. Well, at least not very much. I got to fly our 15 M kite in the morning to practice my flying skills but there really wasn't enough wind to get up on the board.

There are a couple of no wind day activities here at the Kite Round-Up. One of them is the Winch which pretty much simulates wake boarding. Both Brett and I got off to a pretty bad start.

And then Brett got a lot better.