Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cherries and Kites

My husband and I have been having such a great time on our summer road trip. We've already been through 10 states and traversed 3 time zones. Our car has been showered in rain, covered in bugs, driven through puddles, snow and over gravel. We've driven up mountains and along the pacific ocean. We've kitesurfed on lakes, rivers and soon we'll have kited in the Pacific. We've hung out with old friends and made new ones.
We found many things to love about Oregon. My personal favorites were the abundance of delicious fresh cherries, the gorgeous waterfalls and getting to hang out with friends. I am pretty sure Brett's favorite thing was kiting in Hood River where the wind was almost always blowing.

This is a waterfall that was just outside of our tent door at Viento State Park. It was great to have the sound of falling water to drown out the nearby freeway noise.

Meeting up with the IPS group was awesome, I got to see Kelley Kossan AND Hannah Brandau.

Brett and I got spend an afternoon with my roommates I had when I worked at Summit Ministries in 2007. They gave us a great tour of Portland and we met up with this wonderful brass woman who I guess did great things for Portland.

Road Trip to the West Coast

As many of you know Brett and I are doing some exploring of the US. Here is a map showing where we've been and where we are heading.

We just finished driving along the mountainous Oregon coast and are currently spending some time in San Francisco. Most of our nights are spent camping in State Parks so internet access has become scarce.
However, we have been documenting our travels with photos and videos so stay tuned and I'll fill you in with some lovely updates over the coming days.
Our journey will come to an end on August 19th when we will fly out of Atlanta to our cousin's wedding in The Bahamas.

These pictures was taken at the Painted Canyon in North Dakota on July 24th.